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The social economy is still underdeveloped, most people are fixed on the land, and the slaves have no right to education; a small number of hereditary slave owners form a small ruling group. Because the ruling circle has not changed for a long time, coupled with literacy is not common , There is no condition for the formation of Name Cards Printing.

Name Cards Printing existed initially in feudal society. China began to shape a centralized state during the Warring States period. The economy has also grown through the use of advanced production tools like ironware which has contributed to cultural change. Confucianism portrayed by Confucius and other schools has created a scene with hundreds of schools in contention.


The Original Meaning of

Name Cards Printing in China

The social economy is still underdeveloped, most people are fixed on the land, and the slaves have no right to education; a small number of hereditary slave owners form a small ruling group. Because the ruling circle has not changed for a long time, coupled with literacy is not common , There is no condition for the formation of Name Cards Printing.

Name Cards Printing existed initially in feudal society. China began to shape a centralized state during the Warring States period. The economy has also grown through the use of advanced production tools like ironware which has contributed to cultural change. Confucianism portrayed by Confucius and other schools has created a scene with hundreds of schools in contention.

All countries are committed to expanding territory, supporting and spreading the country's culture, and a large number of new nobles have emerged in the war. Especially after the reunification of Qin Shihuang, China began a great reform: unifying the national script.

The Name Cards Printing is called "Ye" when it is seen in the historical books of the Western Han Dynasty. "Shi Ming · Shi Shu Qi" contains: "Ye, Yeyao. The name of the book is from the office to the Yizhe." In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Ye was also called the thorn. The famous assassination begs to see people.

Found in the excavated Han tomb, this Ye or the famous thorn, tied to the wood, is 22.5 cm long and 7 cm wide. There is the name of the famous assassin, and the place of birth, which is similar to today's Name Cards Printing.

Mu Jian's name was changed to popular paper during the Tang Dynasty. Changan Xinke Jinshi, in the Tang Dynasty, traded paper for trade with red paper. It was called a door and a door during the late Tang Dynasty, which were both a way to access the self-reported door. The famous paper still has the handwriting of the master in the Song Dynasty.

According to the Southern Song Zhang Shinan in the "Younan Jiwen", he has hidden the famous paper written by Huang Tingjian, and Qin Guan sent him the famous paper, similar to today's New Year's card. The Palace Museum in Beijing also houses the "Calligraphy Post" by the calligrapher Cai Xiang of the Northern Song Dynasty. According to Lu You's research in the "Notes of Lao Xue An", it is similar to "Name Thorn".

He also wrote official positions, in addition to the self-reported name and place of origin. In the Qing Dynasty, "Bamboo Words" has poems as evidence: "It's a small, three inches long, and two inches wide new worship post," "red note two inches book name and surname, Zeng Xuhuai half thorny." As we know from the poem, the famous post of the Qing Dynasty is very small, and it's still Meihong paper.

After textual research, the Qing Dynasty's famous post has been written differently from the Tang Dynasty. Instead, it is written in regular script, engraved with wooden stamps, and printed on Meihong paper. Later, there was a white paper name post (for details, see Xu Ke's "Clean Barnyard Banknotes and Customs").

The format of the "name post" is almost the same as that of today's Name Cards Printing, and the married woman's Name Cards Printing also adds the husband's family name. There are also procedures for its type and scale: two inches wide and three inches long. For exchanges and visits of literati the master usually visits a friend and asks the servant or book boy to submit the name post to the lord of the other party, who then presents it to the owner.

When students see teachers, their "name posts" must be sent first, that is, the "gate like" during the course of the Tang and Song Dynasties.

It was only at this time that the "name post" became entangled with the word "name". The "name post" in the Ming Dynasty was rectangular, generally seven inches long and three inches wide. If you submit a post to an elder or supervisor, the name on the "name post" should be larger, the name on the "name post" should be more courteous, and the name on the "name post" will be considered arrogant.

The Qing Dynasty was officially called "Name Cards Printing". The Qing Dynasty was the end of China's feudal society. Due to the continuous invasion of the West, exchanges with the outside world increased, and business with foreign countries also accelerated the popularity of Name Cards Printing.

The Name Cards Printing of the Qing Dynasty began to develop toward miniaturization, especially in the officialdom. Officials used larger Name Cards Printing to show humility, and official universities used smaller Name Cards Printing to show status.

We also use Name Cards Printing of celebrities. Xu Shidong, a person from Yin County, Zhejiang Province, attended a local officers' banquet during the Qing Dynasty. He heard that someone had used his Name Cards Printing for personal favours to go to the government office, but he was luckily seen.

The Name Cards Printing of other actors and squires are possibly the same. The reason is that these people distribute Name Cards Printing everywhere during the New Year, because of the massive outflow of Name Cards Printing ("Yanyulou Notes · Volume 5"). Later, many celebrities marked the words "not for other purposes" on the back of their Name Cards Printing to avoid being used by cunning people.

When students see teachers, their "name posts" must be sent first, that is, the "gate like" during the course of the Tang and Song Dynasties.

It was only at this time that the "name post" became entangled with the word "name". The "name post" in the Ming Dynasty was rectangular, generally seven inches long and three inches wide. If you submit a post to an elder or supervisor, the name on the "name post" should be larger, the name on the "name post" should be more courteous, and the name on the "name post" will be considered arrogant.

The Qing Dynasty was officially called "Name Cards Printing". The Qing Dynasty was the end of China's feudal society. Due to the continuous invasion of the West, exchanges with the outside world increased, and business with foreign countries also accelerated the popularity of Name Cards Printing.

The Name Cards Printing of the Qing Dynasty began to develop toward miniaturization, especially in the officialdom. Officials used larger Name Cards Printing to show humility, and official universities used smaller Name Cards Printing to show status.

We also use Name Cards Printing of celebrities. Xu Shidong, a person from Yin County, Zhejiang Province, attended a local officers' banquet during the Qing Dynasty. He heard that someone had used his Name Cards Printing for personal favours to go to the government office, but he was luckily seen.

The Name Cards Printing of other actors and squires are possibly the same. The reason is that these people distribute Name Cards Printing everywhere during the New Year, because of the massive outflow of Name Cards Printing ("Yanyulou Notes · Volume 5"). Later, many celebrities marked the words "not for other purposes" on the back of their Name Cards Printing to avoid being used by cunning people.

Classification Criteria of Name Cards

The main difference between early Name Cards Printing and modern Name Cards Printing is handwriting rather than printing.

In modern society, the use of Name Cards Printing is quite common, there are many classifications, and there is no unified standard. The most common classifications are as follows:

1. According to the purpose of Name Cards Printing, Name Cards Printing can be divided into Name Cards Printing, public Name Cards Printing and personal Name Cards Printing.

2. According to the Name Cards Printing materials and printing methods, there are three types of digital Name Cards Printing, offset Name Cards Printing and special Name Cards Printing.

3. According to the printing color, there are four types: monochrome, two-color, color and true color.

4. According to the type of layout, there are three types of horizontal Name Cards Printing, vertical Name Cards Printing, and folding Name Cards Printing.

5. According to the printing surface, there are two types of single-sided printing and double-sided printing. We classify the above categories as follows.